Managing albums
You can manage your albums as follows:
Rename albums
Copy photos or videos from one album to another
Remove photos or videos from an album
Delete albums
Note that albums are not available from all device models.
To rename an album, do the following:
Highlight an album name in the navigation or device area.
Right-click and select Rename.
Type a new name for the album.
Press Enter.
To copy photos or videos from one album to another, do the following:
In the navigation or device area, highlight the name of the album that contains the files you want to copy.
In the content area, highlight the desired photos and videos.
Drag the files to the album to which you want to copy them.
To remove a photo or a video from an album, do the following:
In the navigation or device area, highlight the name of the album from where you want to remove a photo or a video.
In the content area, highlight the desired file.
Right-click and select Remove from album. Confirm the removal. The image or video is removed from the album but it remains in the group “All”.
To delete an album, do the following:
Highlight an album name in the navigation or device area.
Right-click and select Delete. Confirm the deletion. The album is deleted but the photos or videos that belonged to the album remain in the group “All”.